numbers are distancing us; you in +49, me in +1; just 48 numbers for being
together or being apart.
any one of us quit his life for being with the other, if both of us quit his
life for being together; if we both continue being just friends in the distance
of +48 numbers…
numbers equivalent to 6 Hour flying… +48 number equivalents to 6.400 Km that I
can run for being next to you… Equivalent to an small lake to swing for being
together. +48 numbers that I need to add for being with you in +49.
could be a better option than +1, as I am…
+1 has also advantages, we both know it…
after thinking a lot in the equation… In all that we need to do, to add or
rest… In all that we need to change for being ONE, the final comment is that
–unfortunately- we will just wait that the life made the changes.
never sell yourself; your heart was already sold when I arrive to your life...
And even if I want it, I am not able to buy it; I am not able to have it.
just have a part of our hearts… you have a part of mine, and I have a part of
at the end, the 48 numbers that are dividing us are not important. We are
distanced for something bigger… The impossibility of sharing our hearts with
each other…
that, and even that I am not allowed to say it…
I love

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