domingo, 12 de julio de 2015


My dear R,

After several years I must to admit that I was complete in love in that time. I am not sure why I fell in love, maybe was your awesome combination between Science and Spirituality, something that until now I haven’t found in someone else. Maybe it was just your stately presence in my life, or maybe I have no idea about why it was, but yes, I was crazy in love with you.

End of my comments about that… At the end, the life continues moving and people change; I have changed a lot. We all change and by sure we are not the same than 10 years ago, when we met.

Just let me tell you that I continue admiring you, and you continue being one of the most influential people in my life.

I am incredibly grateful for all that I learned next to you, for all that we shared and I will do my best to honor that knowledge. 

Resultado de imagen para conocimiento



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