martes, 4 de agosto de 2015


My love,

One friend told me once that my home is where my heart is... and I must to admit that my heart is with you…

If someone ask me where I would like to live, I can only think in living next to you where I am happier that in any other place.

It is very interesting to see how I feel when I think about you. I am a happy person (you know it) but I just need to think about you get a complete feeling of happiness… a feeling of release… a feeling of love shared between souls.. 

The love that you gave me was the best one of my life… Also, loving you was the best love that I was able to give… I still love you, as you can realize, and I still dream about you, with our family and life…


It is just a place next to you… next to your heart!


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